Whew..WOW..whoa Nellie. It has been waaay too long! As many of you know, due to my emails and Group Broadcasts..we lost two close family members over the Holidays. Two "non" health at risk family members..out of the blue..bam. It was very difficult for our small family to bear. But we are back on track now..Dad is doing "OK" now.. He is now in the most aggressive term of his Chemo, but had to take a small Hiatus during the Funerals due to all the stress. So..thank you all so much for your kind words..phone calls, mail, letters, postcards etc. So sweet, and thank you all so much! I am glad to say that Aunt Judy is back home now after her Heart Attack, and Grandpa Frank is doing MUCH better! So Lets Pray for a much better "08"!
Anyhoo..I am Back home now..(On strict orders from Dad whom I believe was getting really sick of me loitering around and worrying all the time lol) Things are better, and my Studio is Clean and tidy and organized and I am cranking things back up! I want to thank all of my customers for thier Patience and understanding! without going into too much detail as to what all is currently being worked on..Let me just say that it feels incredibally good to be painting agian! And I intend to come back blazing..so stay tuned for all the goodies. I also DID manage to finish a few pieces during that really hectic time I would like to share..
One is this lovely Traditional Liver Chestnut Ziryab for Terri Gellin! I had the pleasure of taking this Preggars Lass to Two shows, and she cleaned up at both! Reserve Grand in the Arabian Class at Magnolia Live..and she did well at Bayouland Live as well! here is a quick shot of her!
Next completed was this sweet little Custom AA Fresian (New Mane and Tail by Tony A of Pony Ex-prep Prepping) This little Doll also brought a bucketload of winnings Home for his new Mom! (Sara) Including but not limited a Grand Champ in his Pony Class! I believe he also got a Champ in Workmanship!
I have some really exciting Commission pieces To work on right now..One is this Kicking Mule by J. Reid, He is going to be a stunning Red Dun!

I have many more new commissions that have just been starting, but I am not releasing any details until I get some good photos etc.) Plus it is just more fun that way..(Irritating I know..LOL..but fun!)
So watch this Space..You may see your piece soon! Just know that I work very randomly, inspiration based..so it is very hard to predict whom I will pick up and work on!
Ok..Now onto the "For Sale" section! We had some neat pieces come up this month! Gail Aspinwail! Bless her heart, She is having a rough time this year as well. My heart, prayers and love go out to her and her mother at this difficult time. But she is cutting back on her Showstring and showing this next year..so some really great pieces have been offered. First was the Fabulous "Texas Playboy" Many of you know this fella, he is a favorite of many, he was recently offered and sold to a new Happy owner! Here are some great pics of Playboy..and You New owner out there? If you ever want me to send you the disc of all his pictures..(easily hundreds) just LMK, as he takes great Pics!)
Ok..Now onto the "For Sale" section! We had some neat pieces come up this month! Gail Aspinwail! Bless her heart, She is having a rough time this year as well. My heart, prayers and love go out to her and her mother at this difficult time. But she is cutting back on her Showstring and showing this next year..so some really great pieces have been offered. First was the Fabulous "Texas Playboy" Many of you know this fella, he is a favorite of many, he was recently offered and sold to a new Happy owner! Here are some great pics of Playboy..and You New owner out there? If you ever want me to send you the disc of all his pictures..(easily hundreds) just LMK, as he takes great Pics!)
Next Gail had to let go of little Flitwick..He is now owned by Diana Parker! Congrats Diana, (whom is a very popular "Horse Handler" for many )

Then..Fresh from Firehorsestudios, was a LOVELY Little Grulla Filly (PDD) s he turned out stunning! I offered her at a VERY low price on MHSP to the quickest buyer LOL..and boy did she get a lot of wanters! I want to thank you all for your interest in her. Had I not been in such a need for Mortgage money I would have taken offers , Allowed Time Pays etc. But not many folks got to see her ..so here are some more pics!
(Don't look at her mane though..LOL..Havent detailed it in those pics..It is now much better rendered with the tiny little guard hairs and bleached ends..)
Other Sale Items: Many of you guys Know "40 Dolla Ho" that is the Hey Mule by P. Sinnot owned by Amber Boardman. I was allowed to take "40 Dolla" to NAN, And local shows around here and did he clean up! There is a very funny story behind his name too..LOL..Amber will have to share that tho...; P But..Amber needs to stay a Co-Ed so we decided to sale him..He comes with both his NAN top Tens, His assorted bunch of Grand and Reserve champ Rosettes, all his NAN cards for this year too of course. He is on ebay right now:

I was also able to finish quite a few Repair jobs..One was a Doozey, Two Legs..Forelock, mane tendrils..all had snapped off at the customers house.. and I had the lucky task of putting Humpty Dumpty together agian..! It was Dubious at first..lol..but eventually he was as good as new! So on the upside, I was able to get some nagging fixer-uppers finished! And after seeing Diana Parker at NAN, I asked if she would allow me to take an old custom of mine she owns....and "Freshen" it up..It was one of my first customs, and is a Classic sized Mulan in a wild Paint Pattern. I couldnt bear to see him without doing some touch-ups..so Wa-lah!! He looks SOOOOOOOO much better..still a few tones to add into his pastel colors..but he is like a new beastie now lol! Thank You Diana for giving me the time and freedom to clean this guy up for ya!
Now..rest be assured..Of course lol..That I am behind due to the last 6 weeks. So there is going to be a lot to catch up on but I am working like a fiend! So just hang tight! The biggest hurdle right now is to ship out all the fellas that are here. Easily about 15 horses, I got the first batch out last week, The little Grullas proceeds are going to help me ship out the rest. And that will be available on Monday. So blech..Monday will be load em up and ship them out. You guy know how much I hate shipping? Blech..ALOT LOL. It is very difficult for me to let these guys leave my studio, mainly for I am SUCH a perfectionist, also It just has something to to with ADD I am sure lol. But I am getting better!
Coming up on the Next blog will be pics from the New Commissions in progress! Oh we have several..a little Kjelsius foal, another wee dini..a Mythos for Michelle Cox, a Constantin for Stacy Tumlinson...Several assorted different Trads including a LOVELY Champagne Tr. Indy! Its a jumbled up happy mess of stuff coming!
Also, I want to share with you guys a very interesting area I spend time in. I have several friends that work at the Renaissance festival..now the Renaissance festival Fairgrounds is literally about 15 minutes from here..and i have dear friends that live actually in the Renaissance village. I was over visiting thier camps a few days ago and snapped some great pictures of the CampGrounds where many of them live year round. Talk about neat pictures! Going over there reminds me of what it is/was probably like to visit a Gypsy Camp! Anyhow..I think many of you would enjoy the pics!
Oh..and folks are already asking what the next Sales piece will be..Well..Next will be a Matriarch (No Shallon not your LOL..Yours is in the mail out batch for next week lol) this one is going to "I THINK" be either a Palomino Overo with pretty Dark eyes, or a soft Buckskin Tobiano. I am seeing her in very soft colors, with just the prettiest Dark eyes for some reason. Any ideas of what you guys would prefer? Just LMK I t hink you can post here..or just send me an email!
And Deb Wright I want to thank You SO much for our trade so I actually HAVE something to Paint LOL!!
Some more tidbit news..Sadly, I turned down my Invitation to do a NAN Auction piece this year. I have always wanted to be asked, Have always wanted to Donate..but Unfortunately, I am afraid if I did accept the offer, I would spend a lot of time on doing one. For of course I would want to do something Spectacular! and after lots of thought and trying to juggle books in order to do so..etc. I decided it just would not be fair to you Commish holders whom have been so patient. So..Next year hopefully I can contribute!
OK..that it for now..So sorry it took so long to get this silly thing published..This is actually like 3 different seperate posts..I was RE-typing it over and over..for days. weeks even lol Didnt realize that I actually WAS saving my Drafts. Sometimes I am so DAFT LOL. and I think I have even done this same mistake before..AYE Carumba..never said I was the sharpest stick in the shed LOL
Love Deb
Hi Deb!
So Glad your back! I love reading your blog so really missed it and seeing new works out there by you! your inspiration to a lot of us artists! . Im glad things are getting better for you now. God Bless.... Just wanted to say the renaissance pics didn't come up on your blog? Id love to see them !!! I went to the ren festival in northern california many years ago before they moved it and I will NEVEER forget it! I have lots of photos from it and man was it fun! I was only able to spend one day there but always though of how fun it would have been to live in their village for a few weeks...lol ...they also have a fairy festival in oregon I have heard about and it looks like as much fun! every year Brian froud and his wife and son go.. ( they are the doll /muppet and fairy/goblin artists.. he illustrates and she makes the dolls and muppets. and did the monsters/muppets from the David Bowie movie labyrinth! in fact the baby in the movie is their son Toby who has grown into quite a good looking guy!) anyways, glad your back I have been waiting to talk to you about something.I'll email privately later!
Becky Turner
Hey Becky! I just now saw this lol..Sorry! Things have been very rocky here..That is so neat about the REN Festival in N. California, I bet it is awesome. I didnt think anybody was interested so I didnt post them..lol, I will dig them up for ya..or better yet, I am going to visit Richard this week, so I will take pictures agian now that it is spring!
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