But just look at the sweet little Unicorns..((Hugs Debbie) sent to me AND My Girls! About 50 Issues of Horse Illustrated (WHOA Nellie..talk about great references!) , some Flowers, some candies. (I think I ate those before I took the pictures.) And a WONDERFUL Set of wooden Cigar Boxes for my Pastels. Let me tell you, those boxes are Priceless! Now I have enough for just about every color range! Thank you SO much Irene ! I just can't thank all of you enough for your support, well wishes, Prayers. And I have the BEST News to Share. Although my father's cancer is still there..still back, We did find out..that the huge Mass that was growing so quickly, was misdiagnosed..(Actually the lab results were confused) and that mass was actually Scar Tissue! We were so petrified by the quickness and largeness of the mass..that the idea of it being cancerous was truly frightening..and would probably have meant, well..it would have been very grave. So now..My father has some Hope..things are not "As" Dire! I truly believe it is on the miraculous side! Those Prayers worked! In fact..mom and Dad are currently in Alaska..on the Cruise of a Lifetime. I am so thrilled they are doing something special! They certianly deserve it

I wanted to share a few more photos of things around here. I love to share with you all, what is going on in my life (Obviously..probably a little too much lol) As many of you know..I am the epitomy of an Open Book : ) I cannot get stung by a bee without proclaiming to the world my Bee- Encounter. One of the many idiosyncracies that is my personality. Sometimes I worry I share way too much..and I know my Husband..(The closed book) Definitely feels I share too much with everybody. But Hey..I simply cannot help it lol! It's a Firehorse trait!
Anyhooo..see the Beautifully remodelled studio? I now have my Fathers old Business Desk, along with my Drafting Table and all my Art supplies completely Organized? James refurbished the Bathroom and Closet for my Business..It looks just great in there. The Problem? I cannot seem to "Work" in my Studio. Right now, I am preferring to snuggle up in my big comfy chair in my room upstairs..and surround myself with resins and all my art materials..and THAT Is where all my painting has been done lately. My poor Husband..He is not allowed to touch my stuff..so I get to hear him grump every morning while he tries to get ready, tiptoe'ing around all my Art supplies and horses! Oh well..: ) Whatever it takes to be Productive! Poor James, I needed a little TV in the Studio..so he got me one..ran cable too it..but yet..that still does not entice me as much as the comfy chair. I think I am liking the "Hiding away" aspect of it. I come down here to do research, try to make this horrid computer work for emails etc. I guess the good thing is My Studio stays clean and organized! (I just dont work in it right now lol) I think I tend to sit at the desk, stare out my big front window at the front property , and think about all the gardening, planting and etc I could be doing hehee.

And I just have to share photos of Bounce and Bambi. These are our Lionhead "Shiela"s little bunny babies. Two males, the grey is Bounce..the fawn is Bambi! We could not be more thrilled. I will keep taking pictures of thier growth, as they are sooo stinkin cute lol!
Next I want to talk about the "Wyakins"! Michelle Platt's new Traditional sized Resin. I completed two, one for Michelle as a Guest Artist piece..and the other for me. I just listed "Daisy Mae" on Ebay and she did very very well! Thank you all for your support and bids and Praise on these gals! She was such a soothing mould to work on during a turbulent time! Both pieces were done as similar'ish appies..but the actual coat color..and the technique were quite different! Daisy Mae was pure pastels..with Ink and Acrylic washes..Michelles was pastel and TONS of itty bitty Pencil work..and Lots I mean LOTS Of gneadable eraser blending and smoothing. Then more layers of pastels..more pencilwork..over and over! Daisy, I worked very hard on trying to emulate the mottled, pigmenty look on those High sweat areas that Appies get! Soo..the result was actually pushing my Techniques to different creative levels..and I do believe my dwelve into techniques unyet explored (By me anyway) was a success! If there is enough interest..I might do a simple "techniques and Tips" tutorial. Just let me know if this is something you guys would be interested in..I think I have it set up so you can post comments on here. My poor Email is already so oversatuated..and I tend to lose so many emails... maybe p0sting on here will be easier for me to recieve messages and gage interest?
I am feeling so much better about things..I really do have a renewed interest in painting and sculpting! But as good as I feel, and as much as a relief that I now have regarding Dad
But Right now Commission wise things are coming along quite well. I do want to share a photo of this darling little Eberl Scampolo..which I think will turn out to be quite charming! I have many more commission pictures to share..so stay tuned.
As for the next immediate sales piece..It will be a Reverse Dappled..Buckskin Blanket Appaloosa Fabrizio! (Progress pic below) I am hoping to offer him up soon, I dont know if I will do an offers type scenario..or put him on Ebay..The Ebay fees are about killing me..so..we will see. I have not tried the Auction Barn, Shallons new site..I have heard it is really good though! I may consider a pre sale if the price is right. I am hoping to swing purchasing some of Sara Mink new adorable smaller resins...Have you all seen them? So adorable!
Obviously I am on a run of appies right now..lol..I have some other appie commissions in progress...but next will be a batch of Bays..then Greys! But as always..I have several pieces going on at once..some moving fast..others poking along. Wish I could work more structured..but as many of you artists know..this is a very "Inspiration based" business! I am just relived that I seem to be getting my excitement about painting back. For trying to paint without feeling Enthusiasm..is the same thing as trying to Dance to a song you just dont like : )
Well Gee Golly..I have once agian rambled forever lol..I am hoping to get into the swing of posting smaller postings..much more regularly. Jenn Danza is awesome at it..I aspire to be like her and do such wonderful blog posting. i just love reading hers and others blogs. : )
BTW..if anybody with thier own blog..has figured out how to post simply from email..will you share how you do it? I am cornfused as usual lol!
Well..Im going to go feed my bunnies and take some more pictures..I cannot believe how fast they are growing! Wait till you see!
Well..Im going to go feed my bunnies and take some more pictures..I cannot believe how fast they are growing! Wait till you see!
Well..thank you for reading this latest installment of "As the Art Turns" lol..for yes..My life does often feel like a Soap Opera!