Hi Guys! Finally back in action a bit..To get you all caught up..Dad went thru his surgery just fine, and recovered just fine..However the test results that came back were not good. Despite the good forecasts and early diagnosis etc. It is apparent that the cancer has spread from the colon to the lymph nodes, outside the colon wall etc. This is not good news, and Dad starts agressive chemo next month. Not the outcome we were hoping for obviously.
Some other sad news, Judy Renee Pope passed away a few days ago. Very sad News, Judy was an incredible Talent in our hobby, longstanding hobbyist, very sweet and wonderful person. The hobby is grieving her loss, and My prayers and Thoughts go out to her family and loved ones.
Some other sad news, Judy Renee Pope passed away a few days ago. Very sad News, Judy was an incredible Talent in our hobby, longstanding hobbyist, very sweet and wonderful person. The hobby is grieving her loss, and My prayers and Thoughts go out to her family and loved ones.
Due to all the traveling to and fro to My familys home in Corpus Christi..didnt get a whole lot completed these last few weeks..but I was able to finish this little scruffmuffin. He is a commission for Michelle T., also knows as BettyBarBandit : ) He started out as a classic Mustang Breyer, I added a new mane, trying to keep to some extent the original feel of the mold..which I love..the jaunty, windblown feel, so I just basically kept the same form...just added lots of detail, extra tendrils, a few rolling curls etc. Then I removed the old tail, gave him a flatter, more tucked tail, added a lot of hairy and winter Coat texture all over. Very time consuming and tedious but well worth it. Plus, I made it patchy and irregular, so you can tell he is rather in between in his summer and winter coat befitting a range Mustang. I also added feathering, cracked and weathered and lengthened, chipped etc. his hooves. I added some longer feathering and lengthened the feathering. Also did some clean up work on his muzzle, face, forelock etc. Added some more detail to his muzzle, and Gave him a slight roman nose. Also furried up his ears. Here he is once I was finished with his makeover...

Another piece that is very near completion is a Bold Endeavor, Blanket App..these are actually old pics from last week....he has some spots now and is just awaiting the very final touches. He is definitely a few spot Appy!
Oh..Might as well talk about Carrot Top while we are at it! This fella is for Lyn Arnold..have had him for ages as he was in pieces...pieces...pieces...My Goodness..But I got him ALL back together like Humpty Dumpty! hmmm..that would be a good name for him lol! He has a bit of a new mane and tail..got his Muzzle and lip resculpted..and those EARS..my My..those ears were in shatters..but he is all together..Now Lyn and I just need to decide on a color for him!!

I have really enjoyed working out in the workshop lately. That is where I do all my dremeling, sculpting, major body part frankensteining etc. : ) Thank Goodness it has an air conditioner..I love my little Artists Workshop!

Hmmmm....Some other work that was done ..... Got the Trad Ziryab with new forelock in Liver chestnut started, Did some major work on the EJ 2 in buckskin Pintaloosa done, as well as getting things prepared and in order to start some fresh commissins, Including..but not limited to Haute Aire, Lone Star, a custom Valor (Beautiful Job Karenetta!!!) custom Fresian Mare..( Sara if you would..could you email me so we can discuss color?) El Embosco, and a few more that are under wraps! Not to mention lots of pieces that are needing repairs due to a busy show circuit last year, and all the knicks and scratches etc. that come along with it : ) And of course I am still plodding along on some stragglers like Matriarch! Actually..I think I have completed most of my notorious stragglers except for Matriarch!! That is a miracle! Unless I am forgetting somebody!
I am also getting ready to start a little conga lines of the wee ones.. I have a nice little cache of SM resin commissions I would like to set up and begin. You folks that have Sm's with me..why dont ya drop me a line..Due to me switching back and forth between houses..accessing all my prior information is diffucult when I am in CC. A mental refresher would be lovely : )
ooo speakin of lil bits..Forgot about this little Opus..for Gail..He has been mucho more detailed since these pics..but Might as well share anyway! HA! Just now noticed these are all Appies! I must be feeling Spotty : )

Oy! Some really good News! Due to Fed Ex leaving my copy of Pheasant Stomper at an Old and DESERTED Address LOL..I was luckily able to track him down..(Thank goodness the old Property Owners found and kept the box..whew!!) I picked him up a few days ago..and What a Big Stompin Beauty! The exquisite touches on this resin are just Lovely. Really Really beautiful Piece. I am Way behind on bills..So I will be painting him up very similar to Sharron Dunnings Crusher I painted for her.."Alexander the Gray". If you are not Familliar with Alexander..Here is a pic of him..(Top Tenning this year at NAN..YAY Sharron!!) And here is another rather lovely shot of him as well. That second picture..is actually before Sharron and i went REALLY steely on him..I am pondering making PS more like the second pictures..I really like these Dark steel Grays with the lighter face.They are very fun to do!! Speakin of..Sharron..we need to decide what color your Ass is gonna Be..Hee Heee...: )

Well..I hope to have El Stomper finished soon..
Soooo..keep an eye out..I am hoping to have him finished and offer him off on Ebay in the next week or so....or I am sometimes open to pre-sales too..So if you are interested..dont hesitate to drop me a line and we can talk! Also on the Slate is a Parrs Dream Doll...Right now I am thinking Appy..but Who knows for sure..I may just change my mind! And..If you are really aching for a Parrs Dream Doll by Loveless..and You have a specific color/pattern in Mind..I maybe open to selling for around 600 instead of Ebaying him!
Well..this next month is going to be sketchy for sure..actually, I am sure that when Dad starts his Chemo things will probably go Haywire Around here..So i am going to try to accomplish as much as possible. It does definitely Help having one of the Kiddos back to School. Gives me much more time to get things accomplished. Stress like this affects me two ways..I can either get a LOT of work done with my Nervous energy..Or absolutely Nothing. No concentration, no inspiration..Nothin. So far..I seem to be experiencing the former these last few days, I admit I was pretty uninspired last week, Mainly because I just was so worried about getting Dads results. Even though the results arent good..at least I know what we are dealing with and I can try to accept that and move on..instead of speculate. I want to thank all of you who have sent me kind words, emails, cards etc. I really appreciate it..even if I dont manage to get an email back..please know I do appreciate your thougtfulness and concern very very much!