Finally! Figured out my password here!!! I have it all written down at home, But seeing as I am NOT there lol..not real helpful! I am still in Corpus, have been here since last Wednesday, and what a hard week it was. I arrived wednesday morning, and Could tell mom was feeling bad. Sure enough by Thursday morning we had to rush her to the Hospital with acute appendicitus. They operated, She did fine. but her White blood count was too high to allow her to leave, so she was there thru the weekend. Dad was unable to get his first operation for it coincided with moms operation, and his Blood Pressure went thru the roof. So I have been here helping, running to and fro to the doctors and hospital, plus trying to maintain the house, thier business, and my own kiddos. So nothing at all productive was done this week in the studio. But it did feel good to spend all this time with Dad. We spent alot of quality time together, but I can tell that already he is starting to feel pretty bad. I just dont care for this getting old and sick business.
A friend sent me this photo today, and said cheer could be worse lol..And this photo, lol I have to admit did make me laugh. With the luck our family has been experiencing, I almost honestly feel that there is some menace out there determined to make things go haywire ; P

Anyhoo..just wanted to share what is happening. We are rescheduling dads operation, and it will be in a few weeks. So I am sure I will be doing the Corpus/Hockley shuffle for quite some time. Mom is finally feeling better now, So I should be heading home in the next few days. warned..My email at is not real reliable here as per usual. At least some things never change : P